
#13: Safe Arrival

All 47 boxes of fish arrived safe and sound in Boston. We picked our cargo up at the airport and headed directly to the Aquarium. Our transport truck was backed up to the to the loading dock.

And a team of Aquarium staff and volunteers quickly got to work unpacking the fish.

Boxes were opened and each bag was inspected. We made sure every fish looked healthy (they looked great) and identified them by species.

Thanks to all the fast "runners" on the Boston-based team, the fish were acclimating in their new tanks within minutes.

Some even started eating right away--always a good sign.

Thank you to everyone in Boston who volunteered their time (and missed lunch!)

We'd also like to say a big thank you to the Aquarium members who helped collect such amazing specimens and also sponsored the expedition. Aquarium members make these trips not only successful, but possible. We couldn't do it without their support!

- Sarah

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