We wanted everyone to feel welcome and cared for, so we cleaned the common areas, made their beds, and Deb cooked a delicious meal (with her husband Scott as sous chef). I can't help it...I'm very proud of my bed making skills and am including a picture.
Doesn't it look like a wave?I took this picture on our walk to the grocery store for the view of the trip issued t-shirts (can you tell what fish it is?) and realized that we would be saying goodbye to walking long distances. For the next ten days we will not be able to walk more than 80 ft without walking off the boat (unless of course we want to walk in circles). But don't worry, with all the diving and chasing fish, we'll be getting plenty of exercise so it's well worth the trade off.
We're also saying goodbye to Miami, not that I really spent much time getting to know it, but it has been fun to watch all kinds of things moving up and down the river.
Goodnight now...tomorrow I'll be writing from the Bahamas. Remember...Live Blue...buy a smaller boat.
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