
#61: What's Happening - Divers, and Costumes, and Pumpkins, Oh My!

On October 23rd the Giant Ocean Tank (GOT) staff and volunteers took part in our annual event called "Fish, Fun, and Fright." (See photos and videos from last year's event.) We opened up the Aquarium for our members after scheduled hours for an evening of tricks, treats and, most notably, our costumed divers in the GOT.

This is me! My name is Kimmie Banks and I'm currently the GOT co-op from Northeastern University. I've been here for about 4 months now, and I've quickly learned that there is never a dull moment in the GOT. I was really excited to wear a costume in the tank, but isn't easy to think of a costume that is hydrodynamic and won't look like delicious food to our animals. The angelfish were really interested in eating my Bumble Bee outfit, but luckily it stayed intact.

Earlier that day our volunteers and interns had fun carving pumpkins to put in the GOT.

This year we had such a great turn out for volunteer divers, and Lizzie and Brian were no exception.

Amidst all the candy, Popeye encouraged children and adults alike to eat their spinach.

A fearless Spiderman scaled the windows of the GOT with ease. If you could hear her speak underwater, visitors would hear: "My Spidey senses are tingling."

Luckily, we also had the most graceful of creatures in the tank.

Sam as an angelfish and Ariel as a ballerina.

Anna as a jellyfis. I hope Myrtle didn't try to take a bite!

Being at the top of the GOT was so exciting, you never knew what costume would jump in the tank next.

Where's Kristen? Oh, there she is! As Waldo she's tricky to pick out among all the fish.

We thought the tourist season was over, but Andrea just couldn't miss out on such a fun dive.

We've never tried giving the sharks hot dogs, but apparently they wanted a sample.

All staff and volunteers had a blast this year, and based on the smiles and waves we saw through the windows, we're sure families and their friends had a great time too.

Until next year, have a safe and happy Halloween!



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