
Bahamas Collecting Expedition: Coming full circle

Posts from the Sea TURTLE teen diving program will continue, but at the same time New England Aquarium staff and volunteers are on their regular spring expedition to the Bahamas. This is that team's ninth post, written by Andrea.

As I am sitting on the Coral Reef now back at Jones’s Boat Yard, it is very quiet; all the fish have left and made it back to Boston, safe and sound as well as all the participants. Looking back on the trip I felt like everything wrapped up sort of poetically.

 Fish leaving

The collecting dives finished up with an exciting dive called Three Sisters. It was very shallow but had plenty of fish to catch. The last fish we brought on board was the red-lipped blenny, which Barbara spent most of the dive trying to catch! It was very fitting that the last fish we caught was the trip fish.


And for our last dive; we finally made it to Rainbow Reef, which was the first place we originally tried to dive, but had to change plans due to the seas. It was a nice quiet calm dive with beautiful fish to just look at and not try to catch.

Rainbow Reef

Queen triggerfish (also photographed in 2010)

Getting out one last time

As we were saying good bye to all the participants it sort of felt like leaving summer camp. You are dirty and tired, but had a blast. Then you are saying good bye to new friends, who you hope you will see again and keep in touch. But even if you never see them again they will always be part of this amazing experience which you will never forget.

Group photo (Photo credit: Sarah W.)


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