The Aquarium's teen diving expedition Sea TURTLE is reporting live from Rhode Island. This post is from Catherine.
Today was filled with field studies, scuba diving and the affirmation of the fact that I was in awesome company.
“So here’s a joke, Helium walks into a bar, and the bartender says, ‘We don’t serve noble gases here.’, the helium doesn’t react.” When a joke like that receives a bout of laughter in return, you know you’re surrounded with fellow science lovers. Here, there is no limit to just how nerdy you can get. Want to make a joke about having an air bladder? Go ahead! Want to shout out scientific names and terms while jumping off a dock? Everyone will join in! There really is no better feeling than to be surrounded by those with the same passion for science and knowledge that you have. Then as a group, you can combine all of your excitement and love for science and use it while you’re conducting population counts or thinking of stewardship projects or examining plankton under microscopes. Being surrounded by such dedicated, wonderful, invertebrate loving people makes everything fun.
One of the most memorable moments of the day for me was trying to catch a fish using a seine net (a net with weights on the bottom). A few people grabbed onto the net and started bringing it towards the shore. While people brought the net towards the shore, one or two people tromped through the water like wild beasts, scaring the fish towards our waiting net. Eventually we caught a fish and identified it as a blue gill. We then spent the rest of our free time snorkeling through the water and running from horse flies. All in all, today was an eventful, wonderfully nerdy day.
Rhode Island is IN-SEINE!
The Aquarium's teen diving expedition Sea TURTLE is reporting live from Rhode Island. This post is from Isabelle.
After lunch group two geared up and got ready to do their last certification dive, while we stayed on shore to do science. The mission for the afternoon was to compile a list of all the species we could find, both marine and terrestrial. The competition was on to see if we could find more species than the other group had found during the morning. We thought doing a plankton tow would give us a competitive advantage, until we realized that there were so many comb jellies in the water that they clogged our net and didn’t let any of the water out. Other identification methods included snorkeling and tide pooling.
Isabelle and Brendan take a midday blogging break.
Earlier in the day we had made a new friend when he wandered over to check out the lion’s mane jelly that Shosh found in our dive site. His name was John and he worked for Biomes, a marine science education center here in Rhode Island. He was snorkeling looking for baby tropical fish that had been swept up the coast by the Gulf Stream. John invited us to do some seine netting through the eel grass beds to see what we could find.
Watch out for those tentacles! Here's a closeup of the lion's mane jelly that we collected for the Biomes Center!
After lunch group two geared up and got ready to do their last certification dive, while we stayed on shore to do science. The mission for the afternoon was to compile a list of all the species we could find, both marine and terrestrial. The competition was on to see if we could find more species than the other group had found during the morning. We thought doing a plankton tow would give us a competitive advantage, until we realized that there were so many comb jellies in the water that they clogged our net and didn’t let any of the water out. Other identification methods included snorkeling and tide pooling.
Isabelle and Brendan take a midday blogging break.
Earlier in the day we had made a new friend when he wandered over to check out the lion’s mane jelly that Shosh found in our dive site. His name was John and he worked for Biomes, a marine science education center here in Rhode Island. He was snorkeling looking for baby tropical fish that had been swept up the coast by the Gulf Stream. John invited us to do some seine netting through the eel grass beds to see what we could find.
Watch out for those tentacles! Here's a closeup of the lion's mane jelly that we collected for the Biomes Center!
The Aquarium's teen diving expedition Sea TURTLE is reporting live from Rhode Island. This post is from Ming.
I can’t believe it’s day three of the expedition already. Today, in our first ocean dive, we finally got certified!
After a 40-minute drive filled with Dave’s science playlist songs (think “We Are Made of DNA” and “Monkeys Versus Robots”), we unpacked and suited up to complete our final sets of skills: complete mask removal, hovering with both bcd and oral inflation and CESA.
The water was, surprisingly, not that much colder than the pond, but the visibility was pretty much the same; the cloudy/sandy water and foggy goggles didn’t help. Midway through our 20-foot descent, I could not see either the bottom, the surface or the buoy line a few feet in front of me. People were cloudy black silhouettes that I had to squint at to see. Especially during the buoyancy exercises, I didn’t realize I was slowly rising, or moving at all, until I saw the sky directly above me through the water. But sure enough, by the end of the dive, we were PADI certified! It definitely took a while to sink in: we could now go anywhere, anytime, and dive there.
A pipefish! Just one of many marine species we found today!
Then, as certified divers, we scuba-d along the shore and were given free time to admire the totally seaweed covered rocks and their fishy and crabby inhabitants for the rest of the dive.
I can’t believe it’s day three of the expedition already. Today, in our first ocean dive, we finally got certified!
After a 40-minute drive filled with Dave’s science playlist songs (think “We Are Made of DNA” and “Monkeys Versus Robots”), we unpacked and suited up to complete our final sets of skills: complete mask removal, hovering with both bcd and oral inflation and CESA.
The water was, surprisingly, not that much colder than the pond, but the visibility was pretty much the same; the cloudy/sandy water and foggy goggles didn’t help. Midway through our 20-foot descent, I could not see either the bottom, the surface or the buoy line a few feet in front of me. People were cloudy black silhouettes that I had to squint at to see. Especially during the buoyancy exercises, I didn’t realize I was slowly rising, or moving at all, until I saw the sky directly above me through the water. But sure enough, by the end of the dive, we were PADI certified! It definitely took a while to sink in: we could now go anywhere, anytime, and dive there.
A pipefish! Just one of many marine species we found today!
Then, as certified divers, we scuba-d along the shore and were given free time to admire the totally seaweed covered rocks and their fishy and crabby inhabitants for the rest of the dive.
Another day at the pond!
The Aquarium's teen diving expedition Sea TURTLE is reporting live from Rhode Island. This post is from Kaitlin.
Today was more pond diving! But instead of just doing surface skills, we were going underwater, which was really challenging considering there is almost no visibility! It was so much different than the pool and definitely took some getting used to, but once we conquered it everyone felt so accomplished!
Today was more pond diving! But instead of just doing surface skills, we were going underwater, which was really challenging considering there is almost no visibility! It was so much different than the pool and definitely took some getting used to, but once we conquered it everyone felt so accomplished!
The most challenging part was definitely the compass navigation. The darkness engulfed everyone as we headed out deeper into the water. Under the water, the bottom twisted everyone up in muck, and the compass seemed to be leading you in the wrong direction. But once you decided, alright, I’m going to trust this compass, when you got up to the surface in the right area; the relief was instant and very rewarding. All in all, the day of diving was long but incredible! It was definitely a good precursor to the ocean tomorrow.
Arrival Day!
The Aquarium's teen diving expedition Sea TURTLE is reporting live from Rhode Island. This post is from Elana.
Today at 10am we piled our bags into two vans and departed for Rhode Island. We grooved to Dave’s science playlist, while playing 20 questions: science version, until we finally arrived at the camp. After a quick lunch and a short walk to our cabins we were excited to get the expedition started. The girls raced to choose bunks while the boys lounged in all the space of their cabin.
After quickly changing and unpacking a little we piled back into the van to head to the pond. We were all thrilled to finally be able to get into the water and not just for the fun of it. We realized how hot it can get while wearing a long sleeve wetsuit in the heat of a summer day. Soon we were all in the water, some with BCD’s and tanks going over important skills while the other half looked at fish and took pictures of each other jumping off the floating dock. Then it was time to switch. Before we knew it, it was time for a delicious dinner served at the dining hall.
After some free time and the anticipation of a campfire and s’mores, we cannot wait to see what the day holds for us tomorrow!
Today at 10am we piled our bags into two vans and departed for Rhode Island. We grooved to Dave’s science playlist, while playing 20 questions: science version, until we finally arrived at the camp. After a quick lunch and a short walk to our cabins we were excited to get the expedition started. The girls raced to choose bunks while the boys lounged in all the space of their cabin.
After quickly changing and unpacking a little we piled back into the van to head to the pond. We were all thrilled to finally be able to get into the water and not just for the fun of it. We realized how hot it can get while wearing a long sleeve wetsuit in the heat of a summer day. Soon we were all in the water, some with BCD’s and tanks going over important skills while the other half looked at fish and took pictures of each other jumping off the floating dock. Then it was time to switch. Before we knew it, it was time for a delicious dinner served at the dining hall.
After some free time and the anticipation of a campfire and s’mores, we cannot wait to see what the day holds for us tomorrow!
Only one more day left!
The Aquarium's teen diving expedition Sea TURTLE is reporting live from Rhode Island. This post is from Leah.
We started off our day at the Aquarium, learning about fishes; about body shapes, sensory organs, fins, we drew both flounders and skates, and then talked about environmental stewardship. For those of you less involved in the ocean-protecting world, stewardship is the commitment to protecting something. In this case, it’s our commitment to protecting our oceans. We talked about ways we could help protect our oceans.
After a lovely educational morning we made our way to the MIT pool, by the train. At the pool we worked on different essential scuba diving skills, necessary to gain our eventual scuba certification. Even though a lot of us (me included) struggled with perfecting some of our skills, with support from our fellow Sea TURTLEs and instructors, we managed to get everything accomplished!
After one more day, and a week break, we’ll go to Rhode Island to continue our majestic journey. I’m excited!
We started off our day at the Aquarium, learning about fishes; about body shapes, sensory organs, fins, we drew both flounders and skates, and then talked about environmental stewardship. For those of you less involved in the ocean-protecting world, stewardship is the commitment to protecting something. In this case, it’s our commitment to protecting our oceans. We talked about ways we could help protect our oceans.
After a lovely educational morning we made our way to the MIT pool, by the train. At the pool we worked on different essential scuba diving skills, necessary to gain our eventual scuba certification. Even though a lot of us (me included) struggled with perfecting some of our skills, with support from our fellow Sea TURTLEs and instructors, we managed to get everything accomplished!
After one more day, and a week break, we’ll go to Rhode Island to continue our majestic journey. I’m excited!
Sea TURTLEs in Rhode Island?
Dave Allen, Sea TURTLE trip leader |
No matter why you are here, welcome to the blog of the New England Aquarium’s Sea TURTLE (Teen Underwater Research Training and Learning Expedition)!
Sea TURTLE is a program for teens of diverse backgrounds to learn how to scuba dive, live and work as a team, promote ocean stewardship and dive deeper into marine science. This year, teens and staffers will be spending a week in Boston for classes and pool sessions followed by a week camping and diving in Rhode Island. Since all of our teens come from a coastal New England state, it’s exciting to learn about and see firsthand local marine species and habitats.
Yet this expedition is only half the program. Our Sea TURTLEs were selected from a very diverse and dynamic group of teens. Just to become a Sea TURTLE with the New England Aquarium, teens filled out applications, wrote essays and participated in two interviews (one group and one individual). If that sounds like a lot of work, it is! It takes both desire and commitment to be a TURTLE! We invite you to follow along and share our adventures with us! Along the way, you will get a chance to meet (and learn from) our 13 amazing teens. And perhaps you will find a little inspiration in our blog for your own marine science adventures this summer!
Bahamas Expedition: Another great expedition
Chris, a regular
staff diver in the Giant Ocean Tank, just returned from an Aquarium expedition to the
Bahamas. This photo collection is his final post from the Spring 2012 expedition.
The trip participants (including Luigi, my dad, Don and Christine) have all returned home. I'm busy back here on Central Wharf with the usual hectic routines of a Giant Ocean Tank diver. And the fish are settling into their temporary tanks before they go on exhibit. As a wrap-up on a fantastic Bahamas expedition, I sorted through all of the pictures taken, and chose my favorites. A top ten if you will. Enjoy.
If this type of trip looks right up your alley, consider joining us on future Bahamas Collecting Expeditions. These trips are hard work, in fact my dad talked about climbing into his bunk thoroughly exhausted every night. But it's the toughest vacation you'll ever love, to modify that Peace Corps phrase a bit. Our participants are already talking about coming back!
These important trips are not only a great experience for those on the boat, but our efforts inspire wonder and hopefully teach appreciation for our blue planet to millions of visitors to the New England Aquarium. So if you're not a scuba diver, I hope you'll at least spend some time getting to know the beautiful creatures in the Giant Ocean Tank and around the whole building.
Thanks for joining us on this amazing journey, and we hope to see you around someday — either on Central Wharf or on our expeditions. Happy World Oceans Day!
The trip participants (including Luigi, my dad, Don and Christine) have all returned home. I'm busy back here on Central Wharf with the usual hectic routines of a Giant Ocean Tank diver. And the fish are settling into their temporary tanks before they go on exhibit. As a wrap-up on a fantastic Bahamas expedition, I sorted through all of the pictures taken, and chose my favorites. A top ten if you will. Enjoy.
An unnamed peninsula, close to where we anchored for the night
The Sapona
A school of grunts
The Coral Reef II, as seen through the Sapona's skeleton
Creole wrasses
Mackerel skies, as I learned they are called from Captain Lou
Sunset on the Atlantic
Green sea turtle that some divers nicknamed Crush
If this type of trip looks right up your alley, consider joining us on future Bahamas Collecting Expeditions. These trips are hard work, in fact my dad talked about climbing into his bunk thoroughly exhausted every night. But it's the toughest vacation you'll ever love, to modify that Peace Corps phrase a bit. Our participants are already talking about coming back!
These important trips are not only a great experience for those on the boat, but our efforts inspire wonder and hopefully teach appreciation for our blue planet to millions of visitors to the New England Aquarium. So if you're not a scuba diver, I hope you'll at least spend some time getting to know the beautiful creatures in the Giant Ocean Tank and around the whole building.
Thanks for joining us on this amazing journey, and we hope to see you around someday — either on Central Wharf or on our expeditions. Happy World Oceans Day!
Bahamas Expedition: Sending the fish packing
This guest blog was written by trip participant George Bauernfeind (left), who also happens to be Chris' dad. Stay tuned for one final post
from Chris with his favorite pictures from this expedition.
It was 5 a.m. Sunday morning when Chris’ alarm went off. I was already awake, relaxing in the hum of the boat’s generator and reliving the wonderful experiences of the past week (night diving, learning to catch fish, hunting for moorings, making new friends, hunting for invasive species... I could go on). In minutes the 15 crew members would be up and about, hot morning coffee in hand as “good morning” greetings would be exchanged.
Per usual, we were on a timetable, with this morning’s agenda being packaging of the 300-plus fish and invertebrates we had collected and delivering them to the Miami airport for their flight to Boston. As had been the case every other day, with Captain John barking orders and Expedition Leader Sherrie scurrying about, the 15 of us came together and functioned as one, accomplishing our objective with time to spare.
A compilation of pictures from the morning of fish packing
First, let me back up a bit. The trip started out with a rough Gulf Stream crossing and several days of seemingly endless monsoon-like winds and rain. With no dryer on the boat, wet gear and wet towels hung in futility, extra clothespins and bungee cords needed just to keep the stuff from getting blown overboard.
Even in the rain, of course, once underwater, the wonders of the ocean opened up as only they can to a scuba diver. Swimming with the fish is an experience unlike any other; the quiet and serenity of the ocean floor a welcome relief from the noise and busyness of our normal everyday schedules.
The animals generally were unbothered by our invasion of their world, with one exception — the young green sea turtle who was curious enough to follow us around for a while, even nibbling at a diver’s outstretched fingers.
In our one-on-ones with a fish, more often than not the fish won. An early target was a longspine squirrelfish, and as we clumsily approached with outstretched nets in hand, he definitely had the initial advantage. His sight, and his ability to feel the increased water pressure from the advancing nets, heightened every defensive mechanism he had. But with our advantages of a bigger brain, persistence, and a bit of luck, the little guy soon was in our catchbag. A short stay in the boat’s holding tank, a quick trip to Boston, and before very long he would be entertaining and educating the many thousands of schoolchildren, their families and tourists who come to the Aquarium each year.
Chris the cook fed us well the entire trip. We all continued to be amazed at the creations he produced out of the cramped little boat kitchen, any thoughts that we had of possible weight loss from a week of good physical activity soon dispelled.
I’ll think back often to the new friends made, that feeling of exhaustion as I climbed into my bunk each night and the many highlights of the trip. Thanks to Captain John and Co-Captain Lou for their leadership and continuing emphasis on safety during the trip. Thanks also to the aquarium staff: Chris, who also happens to be my son; Shara, the natural-born teacher who had the patience to explain to me, more than once, the operation of my new dive computer; and the amazingly energetic Sherrie who, even after a long day on the boat, found even more energy one evening when we were granted a few hours of shore leave and discovered a place in Alice Town with loud music and a sand dance floor.
One last group shot before the fish head to Boston
It was 5 a.m. Sunday morning when Chris’ alarm went off. I was already awake, relaxing in the hum of the boat’s generator and reliving the wonderful experiences of the past week (night diving, learning to catch fish, hunting for moorings, making new friends, hunting for invasive species... I could go on). In minutes the 15 crew members would be up and about, hot morning coffee in hand as “good morning” greetings would be exchanged.
Per usual, we were on a timetable, with this morning’s agenda being packaging of the 300-plus fish and invertebrates we had collected and delivering them to the Miami airport for their flight to Boston. As had been the case every other day, with Captain John barking orders and Expedition Leader Sherrie scurrying about, the 15 of us came together and functioned as one, accomplishing our objective with time to spare.
A compilation of pictures from the morning of fish packing
First, let me back up a bit. The trip started out with a rough Gulf Stream crossing and several days of seemingly endless monsoon-like winds and rain. With no dryer on the boat, wet gear and wet towels hung in futility, extra clothespins and bungee cords needed just to keep the stuff from getting blown overboard.
Even in the rain, of course, once underwater, the wonders of the ocean opened up as only they can to a scuba diver. Swimming with the fish is an experience unlike any other; the quiet and serenity of the ocean floor a welcome relief from the noise and busyness of our normal everyday schedules.
The animals generally were unbothered by our invasion of their world, with one exception — the young green sea turtle who was curious enough to follow us around for a while, even nibbling at a diver’s outstretched fingers.
In our one-on-ones with a fish, more often than not the fish won. An early target was a longspine squirrelfish, and as we clumsily approached with outstretched nets in hand, he definitely had the initial advantage. His sight, and his ability to feel the increased water pressure from the advancing nets, heightened every defensive mechanism he had. But with our advantages of a bigger brain, persistence, and a bit of luck, the little guy soon was in our catchbag. A short stay in the boat’s holding tank, a quick trip to Boston, and before very long he would be entertaining and educating the many thousands of schoolchildren, their families and tourists who come to the Aquarium each year.
Chris the cook fed us well the entire trip. We all continued to be amazed at the creations he produced out of the cramped little boat kitchen, any thoughts that we had of possible weight loss from a week of good physical activity soon dispelled.
I’ll think back often to the new friends made, that feeling of exhaustion as I climbed into my bunk each night and the many highlights of the trip. Thanks to Captain John and Co-Captain Lou for their leadership and continuing emphasis on safety during the trip. Thanks also to the aquarium staff: Chris, who also happens to be my son; Shara, the natural-born teacher who had the patience to explain to me, more than once, the operation of my new dive computer; and the amazingly energetic Sherrie who, even after a long day on the boat, found even more energy one evening when we were granted a few hours of shore leave and discovered a place in Alice Town with loud music and a sand dance floor.
One last group shot before the fish head to Boston
Bahamas Expedition: Diving in the dark!
This guest blog about scuba diving at night was written by former Dive department intern, Luigi DiSisto (left). Stay tuned for more posts and pictures
from expedition participants and staff diver Chris.
When most people think of scuba diving in the Bahamas, the first thing that comes to mind is definitely not pitch black water and being unable to see two inches in front of your face. However when you jump in the water at 9:00 at night, it is a totally different world than during the day. There are many different types of animals and animal behaviors, and it is a completely different experience overall.
This was my first night dive and I was SO excited for it! As soon as I jumped in, I knew it was going to be a memorable experience. As I started to descend, I felt a little bit disoriented at first. Being surrounded by blackness made it a little difficult to know which way was up and which way was down. As soon as I flicked on my dive light, I was good to go. I descended to a maximum depth of 36 feet in the beautiful 79 degree Fahrenheit Caribbean water. My dive lasted 42 minutes, and during that time, I experienced some pretty amazing things. I apologize for the quality of my pictures, but it is difficult for a camera to focus with no light. As soon as I turned on my dive light, I attracted a lot of plankton.
-- Luigi
When most people think of scuba diving in the Bahamas, the first thing that comes to mind is definitely not pitch black water and being unable to see two inches in front of your face. However when you jump in the water at 9:00 at night, it is a totally different world than during the day. There are many different types of animals and animal behaviors, and it is a completely different experience overall.
This was my first night dive and I was SO excited for it! As soon as I jumped in, I knew it was going to be a memorable experience. As I started to descend, I felt a little bit disoriented at first. Being surrounded by blackness made it a little difficult to know which way was up and which way was down. As soon as I flicked on my dive light, I was good to go. I descended to a maximum depth of 36 feet in the beautiful 79 degree Fahrenheit Caribbean water. My dive lasted 42 minutes, and during that time, I experienced some pretty amazing things. I apologize for the quality of my pictures, but it is difficult for a camera to focus with no light. As soon as I turned on my dive light, I attracted a lot of plankton.
attracted to my dive light
all of this plankton swarm around me was really a wild and very different
experience in and of itself. As I approached the reef, one of the first
things I saw was a few Sea Urchins and a Spiny Caribbean Lobster! This
was so cool because during the day, these animals are hidden in rocks and coral,
but by SCUBA diving at night, you get to witness all of them out and about.
Caribbean lobster and sea urchins out and about at night!
of the fish that I learned about on this dive is called a scorpionfish. They are in the family Scorpaenidae, which also includes the lionfish and the stonefish. The beautifully colored fins on this rather ugly fish carry
very potent venom. If stung, a person will immediately feel intense pain
and have extreme swelling of the area that was stung. Within minutes, a
person could experience blood pressure changes, delirium, fainting, heart rate
changes, nausea, shortness of breath and even seizures or paralysis (just to
name a few symptoms). I saw three scorpion fish on this dive, thankfully, all from
a safe distance!
Scorpion fish during the night dive
just because we were diving at night, definitely does not mean that the Aquarium’s dive team wasn’t still hard at work collecting fish!
fish at night
of the types of fish that we were targeting at night was parrotfish. Parrotfish have a very unique biological feature that made them much easier for
us to catch at night. When it gets dark out, parrotfish will form a
cocoon made of mucus around their body and this adaptation will typically help
them in avoiding predation at night. When they are in
this cocoon, they don’t move around very much which made it much easier for us
to catch these very speedy fish.
in their white mucus cocoon
the end of the dive, Captain John even accidentally brought up a
starfish. Just to give you an idea of how bizarre some of the animals
were that we saw on this dive, here is a picture of the starfish that came up
attached to Captain John’s leg!
Sea star
attached to Captain John’s leg
the night dive (as well as the entire expedition) was an unforgettable
experience to say the very least. I enjoyed every minute of every day on
the R/V Coral Reef II and look forward to joining the Aquarium again in the
-- Luigi
Bahamas Expedition: A first timer's experience
This guest blog was written by Christine (left),
an Aquarium volunteer, and former intern in the Dive and Penguin departments. Stay tuned for more posts and pictures
from expedition participants and staff diver Chris.
My adventure aboard the R/V Coral Reef II was the experience of a lifetime! We boarded the ship on Friday, April 27, enjoyed a fun dinner together and met all the other participants. Then on Saturday we made our crossing into Bimini, which was one of the roughest crossings anyone had experienced. We faced huge waves and down pour rain.
Smiling despite the rain: Trip participant George with staff diver Chris
Our next couple days in Bimini we faced more rain and very strong currents so we lost just about a full day and a half of collecting. We had such a great group of people on this trip that everyone kept their spirits up and we continued to have fun despite the bad weather.
The rest of the week brought us amazing weather and we brought some really great fish on board. Learning to catch fish with vinyl nets was extremely challenging but working with a fantastic Aquarium staff and ship crew we were able to learn and have a great time with it.
Shara, Sherrie and I diving the Sapona
This picture was from our very last dive of the trip. It was taken at the Sapona shipwreck. I have never dived at a wreck site before so it was a very cool experience. Parts of the wreck stuck up all over the place along with strong currents so it made for an eventful dive. We were following and catching fish in every crack and crevice of that wreck. We were so determined to catch fish that we banged our heads and came back with rust residue from the ship all over our wetsuits and BCDs.
The night dive
The night dive in Bimini was another great first time experience! We dove in groups of three. Shara, Genevieve and I dove together, we each had a glow stick attached to the back of our tank so we could always see our dive buddies. We were also were equipped with a flashlight. Once we zeroed in on a fish we wanted to catch, Shara and I had the nets so we dropped our lights and Genevieve held her light on the fish we were trying to catch. It took a lot of teamwork and underwater communication, but we did it! It was a little intimidating at first jumping into the dark waters but by far one of the coolest dives.
This was by far the most unique experience I have ever had. Catching fish while scuba diving, living on a boat for a week and a half, traveling, working, living and hanging out with many people that just a few days ago were total strangers! But I could not have asked for a better group of people to go on this trip with. Everyone worked hard and were just a lot of fun to hang out with. I will be talking about this trip forever and I hope one day to be able to go again because it truly was a fabulous experience.
-- Christine
My adventure aboard the R/V Coral Reef II was the experience of a lifetime! We boarded the ship on Friday, April 27, enjoyed a fun dinner together and met all the other participants. Then on Saturday we made our crossing into Bimini, which was one of the roughest crossings anyone had experienced. We faced huge waves and down pour rain.
Smiling despite the rain: Trip participant George with staff diver Chris
Our next couple days in Bimini we faced more rain and very strong currents so we lost just about a full day and a half of collecting. We had such a great group of people on this trip that everyone kept their spirits up and we continued to have fun despite the bad weather.
The rest of the week brought us amazing weather and we brought some really great fish on board. Learning to catch fish with vinyl nets was extremely challenging but working with a fantastic Aquarium staff and ship crew we were able to learn and have a great time with it.
Shara, Sherrie and I diving the Sapona
This picture was from our very last dive of the trip. It was taken at the Sapona shipwreck. I have never dived at a wreck site before so it was a very cool experience. Parts of the wreck stuck up all over the place along with strong currents so it made for an eventful dive. We were following and catching fish in every crack and crevice of that wreck. We were so determined to catch fish that we banged our heads and came back with rust residue from the ship all over our wetsuits and BCDs.
The night dive
The night dive in Bimini was another great first time experience! We dove in groups of three. Shara, Genevieve and I dove together, we each had a glow stick attached to the back of our tank so we could always see our dive buddies. We were also were equipped with a flashlight. Once we zeroed in on a fish we wanted to catch, Shara and I had the nets so we dropped our lights and Genevieve held her light on the fish we were trying to catch. It took a lot of teamwork and underwater communication, but we did it! It was a little intimidating at first jumping into the dark waters but by far one of the coolest dives.
This was by far the most unique experience I have ever had. Catching fish while scuba diving, living on a boat for a week and a half, traveling, working, living and hanging out with many people that just a few days ago were total strangers! But I could not have asked for a better group of people to go on this trip with. Everyone worked hard and were just a lot of fun to hang out with. I will be talking about this trip forever and I hope one day to be able to go again because it truly was a fabulous experience.
-- Christine
Bahamas Expedition: Finding the mooring
Chris, a regular
staff diver in the Giant Ocean Tank, is on an Aquarium expedition to the
Bahamas. Stay tuned for stories from the turquoise blue waters of
Caribbean, complete with pictures, conservation notes and a taste of
life on board a working boat.
Besides the deep dive to 85 feet to find the sargassum triggerfish (sorry, my camera couldn't go that deep), the most fun thing I have done on this trip is jump off the bow in mask and fins to find the mooring near the shipwreck Sapona.
[Read previous posts about diving at the Sapona on this blog. Aquarium President and CEO Bud Ris visited the site in 2008, Emily shares some amazing images here, Nick reports on a night dive at the wreck here and teen diver Lee shares his reports on it here.]
Besides the deep dive to 85 feet to find the sargassum triggerfish (sorry, my camera couldn't go that deep), the most fun thing I have done on this trip is jump off the bow in mask and fins to find the mooring near the shipwreck Sapona.
Waiting for Captain Lou's signal
Overboard I go
Getting situated before I begin looking
Searching the sea floor 15 feet below
Normally moorings have a buoy attached to them, so that freediving down to bring up the line isn't necessary. There were moorings to use here at the Sapona, but the Coral Reef II is too big and hence has to keep its distance to avoid swinging into it due to surface currents.
Once moored, we enjoyed a great dive at this site, exploring the outer perimeter of the Sapona. It was here that I saw a beautiful nurse shark about 6 feet long.
[Read previous posts about diving at the Sapona on this blog. Aquarium President and CEO Bud Ris visited the site in 2008, Emily shares some amazing images here, Nick reports on a night dive at the wreck here and teen diver Lee shares his reports on it here.]
Bahamas Expedition: Invasion of the lionfish
This guest blog was written by Don Stark, an Aquarium volunteer, avid scuba diver and frequent Bahamas Collecting Expedition trip participant. Stay tuned for more posts and pictures from expedition participants and staff diver Chris.
Indo-Pacific lionfish have become an abundant invasive species throughout the tropical eastern Atlantic and Caribbean seas. They are now recognized as one of the most important conservation issues in the world. [We've been talking about lionfish for some time on this blog.]
Lionfish on exhibit at the Aquarium
This is because, lacking any natural predators and with voracious appetites and impressive reproductive skills, lionfish could become the most abundant fish species on coral reefs, displacing many other species that contribute to the health of coral reefs.
An impressive lionfish, photographed at 25 ft on Rainbow Reef, Bimini
Recently, efforts to manage this invasion have taken the form of creating a fishery for lionfish and a demand from the fish eating public. The good news is they are great to eat. [Check out this previous post about sampling lionfish here!] Dining on them can be one way to deal with lionfish, as long as consumers don't develop such a taste for them that they want to keep lionfish around just to eat them. At the end of the day, it will take the hard work of everyone--scientists, conservationists, fishermen and chefs, to help eradicate lionfish from areas where they don't belong.
– Don
Bahamas Expedition: Captain John
Chris, a regular staff diver in the Giant Ocean Tank, is on an Aquarium expedition to the Bahamas. Stay tuned for live updates from the turquoise blue waters of Caribbean, complete with pictures, conservation notes and a taste of life on board a working boat.
For years I'd been hearing about this guy Captain John from my Aquarium coworkers, and I finally got to meet him on this trip. Captain John Rothchild is the captain of the R/V Coral Reef. He works for Shedd Aquarium, who owns the boat, and is a department head. His offical job title is "Captain of the Coral Reef". He is retiring this year after 32 years, this trip being his last one with NEAq. Thankfully I was able to sit down with him for a brief interview, to hear what it's like to spend so many days at sea.
Captain John grew up in the Bronx. He now lives in Miami, but has lived in Chicago and has called the Virgin Islands his home. It was there that he met and befriended the crew of the Coral Reef, and a few years later, when they were in need of a captain and their paths crossed in Chicago, they offered John the job. That was 32 years ago. 2 years after that he helped design the Coral Reef II, which is where I currently am while writing this. [Get a taste of live on board the boat with these pictures from a previous expedition.]
I asked him what he loves about his job. "High ooh-ooh quotient," he responded. And sharing his experiences and the wonders of the ocean with all the people who come out on the boat with him. From middle schoolers to PhD students to senior citizens enjoying a cruise on the Coral Reef, he loves to tell them stories of his time at sea and underwater. Some of the stories are more harrowing than others, like the time he was forced to head to a US naval base on Cuba to escape the weather. There are also tales of stowaways, and finding shiny bars 175 feet below the ocean's surface, and many many stories of past NEAq collecting trips.
Why is he retiring? "You know, I have the best job at the Aquarium... but I'm tired. I've put in a lot of hours these past 32 years. It's time." I know I speak for all of the numerous NEAq aquarists and educators that have been on one of these trips over the years that he will be missed.
For years I'd been hearing about this guy Captain John from my Aquarium coworkers, and I finally got to meet him on this trip. Captain John Rothchild is the captain of the R/V Coral Reef. He works for Shedd Aquarium, who owns the boat, and is a department head. His offical job title is "Captain of the Coral Reef". He is retiring this year after 32 years, this trip being his last one with NEAq. Thankfully I was able to sit down with him for a brief interview, to hear what it's like to spend so many days at sea.
Captain John grew up in the Bronx. He now lives in Miami, but has lived in Chicago and has called the Virgin Islands his home. It was there that he met and befriended the crew of the Coral Reef, and a few years later, when they were in need of a captain and their paths crossed in Chicago, they offered John the job. That was 32 years ago. 2 years after that he helped design the Coral Reef II, which is where I currently am while writing this. [Get a taste of live on board the boat with these pictures from a previous expedition.]
I asked him what he loves about his job. "High ooh-ooh quotient," he responded. And sharing his experiences and the wonders of the ocean with all the people who come out on the boat with him. From middle schoolers to PhD students to senior citizens enjoying a cruise on the Coral Reef, he loves to tell them stories of his time at sea and underwater. Some of the stories are more harrowing than others, like the time he was forced to head to a US naval base on Cuba to escape the weather. There are also tales of stowaways, and finding shiny bars 175 feet below the ocean's surface, and many many stories of past NEAq collecting trips.
Why is he retiring? "You know, I have the best job at the Aquarium... but I'm tired. I've put in a lot of hours these past 32 years. It's time." I know I speak for all of the numerous NEAq aquarists and educators that have been on one of these trips over the years that he will be missed.
Bahamas Expedition: Making friends in the Bahamas
Chris, a regular
staff diver in the Giant Ocean Tank, is on an Aquarium expedition to the
Bahamas. Stay tuned for stories from the turquoise blue waters of
Caribbean, complete with pictures, conservation notes and a taste of
life on board a working boat.
We made a friend today. A juvenile green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) joined us on a couple of our dives this morning. A friendly little guy he was, and he even seemed to want to board our boat after we were out of the water.
Our new friend in the Bahamas
Eventually he swam off, but I was able to get a few good pics. We dubbed him "Mini-Myrtle." He was a much smaller and slimmer version of our famous Giant Ocean Tank resident in Boston.
Myrtle, undeniably large and in charge of the GOT in Boston
You can find green sea turtles all over the world, including New England during the warmer months. Our blog followers might recall that the Aquarium's Marine Animal Rescue team sometimes cares for green sea turtles that strand on Cape Cod beaches in the fall.
Green sea turtles are endangered. That's why it was so special to see one of these beautiful reptiles in the wild, and so important to rehabilitate the cold-stunned juveniles that wash up on the Cape. The species' numbers dipped over the past couple generations due to over-harvesting of eggs and egg-laying females on nesting beaches. To some extent, the destruction of nesting habitat and bycatch in the fishing industry is also to blame. The green sea turtle is a protected species in the Bahamas, so we simply kept our distance (as best we could, he was a curious fella!) and enjoyed its company.
We made a friend today. A juvenile green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) joined us on a couple of our dives this morning. A friendly little guy he was, and he even seemed to want to board our boat after we were out of the water.
Our new friend in the Bahamas
Eventually he swam off, but I was able to get a few good pics. We dubbed him "Mini-Myrtle." He was a much smaller and slimmer version of our famous Giant Ocean Tank resident in Boston.
Myrtle, undeniably large and in charge of the GOT in Boston
You can find green sea turtles all over the world, including New England during the warmer months. Our blog followers might recall that the Aquarium's Marine Animal Rescue team sometimes cares for green sea turtles that strand on Cape Cod beaches in the fall.
Green sea turtles are endangered. That's why it was so special to see one of these beautiful reptiles in the wild, and so important to rehabilitate the cold-stunned juveniles that wash up on the Cape. The species' numbers dipped over the past couple generations due to over-harvesting of eggs and egg-laying females on nesting beaches. To some extent, the destruction of nesting habitat and bycatch in the fishing industry is also to blame. The green sea turtle is a protected species in the Bahamas, so we simply kept our distance (as best we could, he was a curious fella!) and enjoyed its company.