
13: Bahamas 2013 | Beach and goodbye to Bimini

2013 Bahamas Expedition | Round Two
Emma is a former Giant Ocean Tank Dive Intern on her first collection expedition to the Bahamas. She joined Aquarium divers to help collect fish, under special permits, so that visitors in Boston can appreciate the splendor of a healthy Caribbean reef. These fish will live in the Giant Ocean Tank after its top-to-bottom transformation.

This morning we awoke in Bimini and explored more of the small island.  It was a beautiful day and we took some time to enjoy the beach.

Fun at the beach! | Photo credit: Bill Murphy

Meanwhile, the staff started to prepare the fish for shipping to Boston. The process begins by adding formalin to the water in the collection tanks to remove parasites on the fish that may infest the Giant Ocean Tank, something we definitely don’t want!

It was finally time to leave Bimini and return to Miami. We were all sad to see the clear turquoise water turn dark, but it was time to get the fish on their way up to their new home in the Giant Ocean Tank!

Sunset in Bimini 

By showing visitors the beauty of a healthy Caribbean reef, we hope to inspire visitors to do what they can to protect these reefs and marine habitats around the world. Dive into the New Aquarium Experience, coming early this summer!

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