
Fish Fun & Fright!

Our annual members only Halloween event—Fish Fun and Fright!—happened last night. In GOT-land, that can only mean one thing: divers in costume!!

Fish Fun and Fright! at the New England Aquarium, downtown Boston

We train our spooky eels to come out during this event (not really)

Julio the Ninja

Marcus AKA Super Pumpkin

Mad Scientist (Anna) and Crazy Surgeon (Conor)

Myrtle apparently would eat a plastic lab rat if given the chance

Crazy surgeon swimming around with his severed arm

Daire is Sergeant Pepper and Mike is Grim Reaper (he always befriends guys in red)

Hard to tell but if you look closely I have a squeegee and spray bottle, sitting on a platform, as a window washer

Jack O' Lantern and 3 angelfishes (they like pumpkin)

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