Dave Goodman
Mark Rosenstein
Paul Dardeno
Paul & Sarah O'Connor
Peter Silva
Practice research skills:
I got to experience the world of water accompanied by many great and passionate people. It has really taught me that opportunities are out there and with the right attitude, friends, and luck you will be able to explore them all. I left this adventure enthusiastic about the world and the treasures it holds.
In my final posting I want to convey my extreme gratitude to everyone involved in this program and for all of those who have supported our efforts. I have gained a new respect for the natural world, and a new appreciation for all those who fight to protect it. I do not know what the future will hold for me (maybe marine biology) but I do know I have a past that I can draw from and a new family whose support I will always cherish. Thank you SEA TURTLE, I owe great deal of growth to you.
Jacki the marine biologist
After being engulfed in marine biology with our eat-dive-eat-dive-eat-dive-sleep schedule, there is no other major I could consider declaring. Hopefully the next time I learn about the Coreolis Effect I won't get splashed with a bucket of water as a prank (thanks Captain Lou-you got us good)! From seeing dolphins, to sharks, to turtles, to night diving, to just diving and learning in general, SEA TURTLE was an experience of a life time that I truly hope others have the opportunity to experience. Not only was the diving and learning experience phenomenal, but over the course of the past six months I have forged friendships with my fellow SEA TURTLEs that will last long beyond our stay on the Coral Reef II :).