Our annual census is right around the corner, so I thought some fish ID would be fun. In this post I want to introduce our boxfishes (family Ostraciidae) which includes 4 species in the Giant Ocean Tank. These guys are unique because of their bony box of armour - you may also see one of these species in the "armoured tank" in the Tropical Gallery on the 1st floor.
In our GOT, our boxfishes get their own special feeding station which helps them eat without competition from some of our more aggressive species. More on that station in a later post.
The boxfishes are divided up into 2 groups: cowfishes, which have a spine over each eye; and trunkfishes, which lack these spines.
Lactophrys trigonus, (common) trunkfish |
Lactophrys triqueter, smooth trunkfish |
Acanthostracion polygonia, honeycomb cowfish |
Acanthostracion quadricornis, scrawled cowfish |
And here's a pic of some of them harassing a diver for some food!
Can you spot the boxfishes? |
We posted about boxfish feedings a while back, and it's adorable. Here's a peek at the feeding, more video soon!
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