One of the coolest parts of my job is feeding the loggerhead sea turtles. They are very aggressive eaters, and making sure they both get their fair share can be quite a challenge.
They have been trained to come to a specific feeding station when they hear a rattling sound. The "rattle" was created by filling a piece of PVC pipe with nuts and bolts, and sealing both ends.
Using audio and visual cues is a great way to train sea turtles, but sometimes you get more then you bargained for. Check out the green moray eel in this film trying to get in on the action.
Both of the loggerhead sea turtles in these films came to us through our rescue and rehab department. Loggerheads are considered a threatened species in U.S. waters. To learn more about loggerheads and other sea turtles, come visit the Aquarium and experience our "Turtles Uncovered" theme program. You can also check on the current rescued turtle patients on the Turtle Rescue Blog.
- Sherrie

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