Based on some changes by our online publisher, we've modified our blogs a little bit.

The SEA TURTLE blog is now under the Giant Ocean Tank Divers and Expeditions blog. The blog will focus on SEA TURTLE during our expedition. When we have a Bahamas collecting expedition, the blog will tell you all about it. When the dive team is based in Boston, we'll let you know about the fun stuff that's going on in the GOT and about our local specimen collecting trips.
So for now, we're all SEA TURTLE. Don't worry, after the expedition is over you'll still get updates from the students. Expect to see posts about some of the things we do together over the summer. (Who knows? Will we go diving in New England? Will we do beach clean up? Will another guest speaker come talk to us?) Whatever we do, we'll be sure to share it with you!

The SEA TURTLE blog is now under the Giant Ocean Tank Divers and Expeditions blog. The blog will focus on SEA TURTLE during our expedition. When we have a Bahamas collecting expedition, the blog will tell you all about it. When the dive team is based in Boston, we'll let you know about the fun stuff that's going on in the GOT and about our local specimen collecting trips.
So for now, we're all SEA TURTLE. Don't worry, after the expedition is over you'll still get updates from the students. Expect to see posts about some of the things we do together over the summer. (Who knows? Will we go diving in New England? Will we do beach clean up? Will another guest speaker come talk to us?) Whatever we do, we'll be sure to share it with you!

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