Andrea the Diver! Well, I suppose "Andrea the Penguin" might be more accurate, if it didn't sound so strange.

While Chris was off on his five month walkabout, Andrea - an intrepid penguin staffer - came 'upstairs' to fill his shoes (hence this being a FOOTnote...) in the GOT. And though Chris was missed by us all - it's equally important to say how great it was to have Andrea with us for five months. She was always smiling, always good natured, and dove like, well, like a penguin. Not to mention her mad skills at trivia!
So though she's now back down in penguin land, and her smiling face can still be seen through a sea of webbed feet, feathers and flightless wings, she has cemented her place in history as a GOT diver and should top the list of 2009 Things To Remember.
Safe diving.
- John
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