Today at 10am we piled our bags into two vans and departed for Rhode Island. We grooved to Dave’s science playlist, while playing 20 questions: science version, until we finally arrived at the camp. After a quick lunch and a short walk to our cabins we were excited to get the expedition started. The girls raced to choose bunks while the boys lounged in all the space of their cabin.

After quickly changing and unpacking a little we piled back into the van to head to the pond. We were all thrilled to finally be able to get into the water and not just for the fun of it. We realized how hot it can get while wearing a long sleeve wetsuit in the heat of a summer day. Soon we were all in the water, some with BCD’s and tanks going over important skills while the other half looked at fish and took pictures of each other jumping off the floating dock. Then it was time to switch. Before we knew it, it was time for a delicious dinner served at the dining hall.
After some free time and the anticipation of a campfire and s’mores, we cannot wait to see what the day holds for us tomorrow!
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