We started off our day at the Aquarium, learning about fishes; about body shapes, sensory organs, fins, we drew both flounders and skates, and then talked about environmental stewardship. For those of you less involved in the ocean-protecting world, stewardship is the commitment to protecting something. In this case, it’s our commitment to protecting our oceans. We talked about ways we could help protect our oceans.

After a lovely educational morning we made our way to the MIT pool, by the train. At the pool we worked on different essential scuba diving skills, necessary to gain our eventual scuba certification. Even though a lot of us (me included) struggled with perfecting some of our skills, with support from our fellow Sea TURTLEs and instructors, we managed to get everything accomplished!

After one more day, and a week break, we’ll go to Rhode Island to continue our majestic journey. I’m excited!
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