After lunch group two geared up and got ready to do their last certification dive, while we stayed on shore to do science. The mission for the afternoon was to compile a list of all the species we could find, both marine and terrestrial. The competition was on to see if we could find more species than the other group had found during the morning. We thought doing a plankton tow would give us a competitive advantage, until we realized that there were so many comb jellies in the water that they clogged our net and didn’t let any of the water out. Other identification methods included snorkeling and tide pooling.

Isabelle and Brendan take a midday blogging break.
Earlier in the day we had made a new friend when he wandered over to check out the lion’s mane jelly that Shosh found in our dive site. His name was John and he worked for Biomes, a marine science education center here in Rhode Island. He was snorkeling looking for baby tropical fish that had been swept up the coast by the Gulf Stream. John invited us to do some seine netting through the eel grass beds to see what we could find.

Watch out for those tentacles! Here's a closeup of the lion's mane jelly that we collected for the Biomes Center!
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