There are lots of great things about working at the Aquarium, but one thing many of us enjoy is working with people that do amazing research and conservation work all over the world. And if you can manage to catch our scientists in Boston between trips to a research spot, you can convince them to talk about their work and show some great pictures!

Randi answering a question for our SEA TURTLEs
Such was the case when Dr. Randi Rotjan came to speak with our SEA TURTLEs about her research on corals, the scientific process and how she got to where she is today. (Learn about Randi's research in the Red Sea here.) It was a fantastic lecture with many students commenting on how much they learned and were inspired to do something to help our oceans. Here two SEA TURTLEs, Oriana and Nick, respond to the lecture.

Oriana taking some notes
Oriana's words:

Nick posing a question about potential frustrations
Nick's thoughts:

Randi answering a question for our SEA TURTLEs
Such was the case when Dr. Randi Rotjan came to speak with our SEA TURTLEs about her research on corals, the scientific process and how she got to where she is today. (Learn about Randi's research in the Red Sea here.) It was a fantastic lecture with many students commenting on how much they learned and were inspired to do something to help our oceans. Here two SEA TURTLEs, Oriana and Nick, respond to the lecture.

Oriana taking some notes
Oriana's words:
It was so amazing to learn how Dr. Rotjan devotes her life to answering her own questions through her research!! It was really interesting to hear about everything. Her talk made me want to learn more about corals! One of my favorites things she said was "the only constant is change." This inspired me to keep exploring, learning more and to think about (and answer!) my own questions. I cannot wait for the next class!

Nick posing a question about potential frustrations
Nick's thoughts:
It was an incomparable to discuss corals and marine ecosystems with someone with not only an impressive aptitude for the subject but also with a person who possesses a deeply inspiring passion for our world's oceans and all of its hidden treasures. I left the discussion reassured that we, as "stewards of a blue planet", have the power to establish a fighting chance for the natural world and in motivating our peers to care about the ocean. I was amazed and grew very excited about my upcoming adventure!Pretty powerful words from our SEA TURTLEs! Things could not have worked out better. Everyone learned about corals, the importance and power of being able to ask your own research questions and became inspired for the future. Clearly Dr. Rotjan made an impact on our young ocean stewards. And as both Oriana and Nick both expressed, I cannot wait for the next class and for the upcoming adventure!
- Jo
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