Dr. Randi Rotjan in the field.
Being a marine biologist, Randi gets to travel the world and explore places like this:
Carrie Bow Cay, Belize (Read field reports from this expedition here)
And this:

The Red Sea (Read field reports from this expedition in 2010 and 2011)
And this:

The Phoenix Islands (Read field reports from this expedition here)
And this:
The Red Sea (Read field reports from this expedition in 2010 and 2011)
And this:

The Phoenix Islands (Read field reports from this expedition here)
One of the main reasons that Randi goes to these places is to ask scientific questions and then try to answer them. Sometimes, researchers think of questions before going to such places and other times the places inspire the questions. Once Randi asks a question, she would do research until she is satisfied with the answer. There will be times when the available answers do not satisfy her and sometimes there won’t be an answer at all.
Randi also talked to us about coral reefs in the Bahamas and gave us a few tips in what to look for when we’re diving. One thing I’ll definitely be looking forward to is following a fish and observing what they eat. Apparently, you can hear some species like parrotfish making crunching sounds underwater! Thank you Randi for coming to talk to us! It was awesome!
Next stop: Bahamas! We’re so close!
- Michelle
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