The 2011 Sea TURTLE teen diving expedition back in Boston. In this post, Dina shares her final thoughts on her experience with the program.
I was constantly learning new things about myself throughout the whole program. At first I was a little nervous at the thought of living on a research vessel with 10 other teens, so far away from home with no technology. Throughout our days in Bimini on the boat I started to feel completely comfortable in my surroundings. I realized that I could take four minute military showers, sleep in an extremely tiny room, be with the same people for 10 days and absolutely love every minute of it.
Because I work in the Aquarium Dive Department on Sundays, I get the opportunity to see all the inhabitants in the Giant Ocean Tank every week, but it was really amazing to see them in their natural habitats while diving in the Bahamas. Seeing the fish swim by you and being able to identify it was the best way to learn about it.

Throughout the past 3 months, I’ve been learning so much about the ocean and I realized that there’s always something to learn about. In the beginning I was a little afraid about diving in the Bahamas because it was a whole new experience for me, but by the end of the trip I wished I could be diving in the Bahamas all year round. People think that the ocean is dangerous and fear going into the water, but I think the best way to learn is by getting hands on experience.
I was constantly learning new things about myself throughout the whole program. At first I was a little nervous at the thought of living on a research vessel with 10 other teens, so far away from home with no technology. Throughout our days in Bimini on the boat I started to feel completely comfortable in my surroundings. I realized that I could take four minute military showers, sleep in an extremely tiny room, be with the same people for 10 days and absolutely love every minute of it.
Lulu, Porshai and Dina during our visit to the Bimini All Ages School.
I also learned that I don’t give up that easily. Being sick for a couple of days on the trip really brought me down, but I looked at the positive side of the situation and decided that it would be better for me to miss a few dives rather than risk it and never be able to dive again.
Sarah pointing out the massive coral formations that give this dive site its name—Greenheads!
Because I work in the Aquarium Dive Department on Sundays, I get the opportunity to see all the inhabitants in the Giant Ocean Tank every week, but it was really amazing to see them in their natural habitats while diving in the Bahamas. Seeing the fish swim by you and being able to identify it was the best way to learn about it.
Homework underwater? During our REEF fish survey at Greenheads, we counted more than fifty species between two dives! Talk about biodiversity!
Also, we may not think that some of the things we do in our daily lives affect the ocean and the animals, but they do. On this trip, I became more educated about marine habitats and learned how to be an advocate to help motivate people to be aware of the negative affects on the ocean.

Throughout the past 3 months, I’ve been learning so much about the ocean and I realized that there’s always something to learn about. In the beginning I was a little afraid about diving in the Bahamas because it was a whole new experience for me, but by the end of the trip I wished I could be diving in the Bahamas all year round. People think that the ocean is dangerous and fear going into the water, but I think the best way to learn is by getting hands on experience.
I never thought I would love diving as much as I do now, and I can’t wait to continue diving and learn more about the ocean.
[This link sorts all of Dina's posts.]
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