It's been an amazing experience to work with the SEA TURTLE group for the last five months. Words don't really begin to describe it...but I'll try. From the beginning we cheered each other on during our swim tests (Reminisce here, here, here and here), supported each other during classes (More on our fascinating lecturers here, here, here and here!), helped our nervous dive buddies in the pool (See how far we've come here, here, here ,here and here), and had an incredible—and for some, life changing—week aboard the R/V Coral Reef II in the Bahamas.

Practice research skills:

We'd like to take this time to thank all the individuals and organizations that helped make this trip possible. We are entirely grateful to the New England Aquarium for supporting this idea from the very beginning. We'd also like to thank the Shedd Aquarium for also thinking this was one cool idea!
We would also like to thank:
Dave Goodman
Dave Goodman
Dutch Maid Bakery
Jim McVicar
Lise Weller
Lloyd Schwengel
Mark Rosenstein
Paul Dardeno
Paul & Sarah O'Connor
Peter Silva
United DiversMark Rosenstein
Paul Dardeno
Paul & Sarah O'Connor
Peter Silva
And several anonymous donors
With your help we were able to learn how to dive:
Practice research skills:
Meet teenagers in Bimini:
Try wreck diving:
And night diving:
And have the time of our lives:
THANK YOU. It was a great ride!
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