We started by getting tanks, weights, weight belts, regulators, and BCDs from the gear closet.

Sarah helping TURTLEs gear up for the day.
Then we completed our skills for the day which included removing our scuba units at the surface and then underwater. We also reviewed some of the most important skills that we'll be using all the time (such as mask clearing, regulator recovery, and buoyancy control.) We'll be practicing these skills again and again when we're in THE BAHAMAS! (Only 2 days to go!)

Getting organized.
It was quickly obvious that the students had mastered their skills so far. Everyone was familiar with their equipment and seemed very comfortable in the pool. It just seemed to click during this final week. We are well prepared for our open water dives (which will be in the Bahamas, if you didn't get that already ;-)
After finishing our skills, we practiced swimming through submerged hula-hoops while wearing scuba gear. We ended the day by playing an underwater football-type game (dubbed "underwater quidditch") with one team (to remain nameless) crushing the other (also to remain nameless) 5-0. We might need a rematch.
Finally, we'd all like to thank United Divers in Somerville, MA for donating the use of the MIT Alumni Pool for SEA TURTLE. It's a beautiful facility and we were very fortunate to have the opportunity to use it. They also helped us purchase some of the students' gear at discounted rates. We are very appreciative of the help given to us by all the staff at United Divers over the past three months.
Here's our final shot from the confined water training sessions. Jim, one of the owners of United Divers, is in the middle giving the OK sign. Thank you, Jim! Thanks, United Divers! You've been fantastic to us!

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